Sunday, September 21, 2008

Perawatan Ortodontik (Kawat gigi)

Who needs orthodontic treatment?
Anyone, regardless of age, who has the following: Teeth that are too crowded or far apart, protrusion of upper or lower anterior teeth, patients with habits such as thumbsucking or tongue thrusting, supernumerary or missing teeth, developing underbite, overbite and other abnormal bite development.

Why do I need orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontics offers an opportunity for improved dental appearance that leads not only to enhanced self-esteem, but also to better dental health. When teeth are correctly aligned, dental decay is less likely to occur. Orthodontic treatment also relieves the extra strain on gums and bones caused by teeth that do not fit well, thus averting periodontal disease and tooth loss. Well-fitting teeth brought about by orthodontics promotes better functions of the mouth like speaking and chewing, the latter promoting better nutrition and general health.

How long will treatment take?
Each orthodontic case is unique. Definite corrective treatment lasts approximately two years for most cases. Depending on the severity of the case, treatment may last longer.

Can older people still wear braces?
There is no age limit for orthodontics. In adults, even malaligned teeth can be corrected regardless of the patient's age, as long as the teeth, gums and supporting bones are healthy. Properly aligned teeth can improve appearance, are easier to keep clean, and will last longer.

Will braces affect my lifestyle?
Discomfort may result when teeth are moved. This usually lasts for two to three days after adjustment; and varies with each individual. As treatment progresses, discomfort slowly diminishes. Braces are simple to maintain and will not hamper your lifestyle. One just needs to make a conscious effort to keep the teeth and appliances clean. One will also have to stay clear of sticky or hard foods which may break the braces.

Can a general dentist put braces?
Any dentist can "attach" braces. However, make sure that the dentist who treats your child has the necessary qualifications. Check these important matters:
1. How did he/she train? Orthodontic training maybe in the form of a university-based, three-year graduate program. It is important to check how long the training program took, the nature of their training and the academic credentials of the preceptor/ trainer.
2. Did he/she finish many cases? Anyone can move a tooth to start a treatment. But to finish a corrective orthodontic case properly is a completely different matter. It is always a good idea to check some of the orthodontist's finished cases.

Gusi anda turun? Gigi terlihat panjang? WHY & SOLUSI?

Hi teman2, pernahkah anda menyikat gigi terlalu keras sehingga gusi anda turun & gigi menjadi sensitif? Sering sekali salah satu solusinya adalah dengan melakukan penambalan, tapi setelah dilakukan penambalan gigi anda terlihat lebih panjang, Why? Karena gigi anda ditambal dengan tambalan tooth-colored restoration (tambalan sewarna gigi). Sekarang tidak usah khawatir karena sudah ada SOLUSI nya yaitu tambalan gingiva-colored restoration (tambalan sewarna gusi), jadi gigi anda masih terlihat normal meskipun sudah dilakukan penambalan.

NEW High Tech: Intra Oral Camera

Teman2, pernahkan anda kesulitan melihat lubang, karang gigi, dll di dalam mulut anda? Pasti anda kesulitan. Biasanya dokter gigi anda, hanya memberikan 1 buah kaca mulut utk melihat kondisi gigi anda, apakah anda dapat melihatnya dengan jelas? Tentu saja TIDAK.
Sekarang sudah ada SOLUSI nya, yaitu dengan Intra Oral Camera. Intra Oral Camera adalah alat dengan camera kecil yg dapat digunakan di dalam mulut, utk melihat seluruh kondisi gigi anda dengan jelas. Intra oral camera tersebut terhubung dengan layar TV LCD monitor, jadi anda dapat dengan jelas melihat seluruh kondisi gigi anda di TV LCD monitor tersebut & bahkan kondisi gigi anda tersebut dapat di foto.

Hawley & Transparent Retainer

Apa itu retainer?
Retainer adalah alat utk stabilisasi gigi setelah selesai perawatan kawat gigi, jadi TIDAK berfungsi utk menggerakkan gigi.

Ada 2 macam retainer yg paling sering dipakai:
# Hawler Retainer
# Transparent Retainer

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bleaching / Whitening Teeth / Pemutihan Gigi

What is tooth whitening?
Tooth whitening is the process by which the discolorations of the enamel are lightened.

How long will it last?
This will depend on the patient, and the patient's oral habits. The average person will require periodic touch ups once or twice a year.

Is the treatment safe?
Yes. Clinical studies have shown that bleaching under the supervision of a dentist is safe for teeth and gums.

How white will my teeth get?
This will depend on your teeth - everyone's teeth are different. If your teeth are heavily stained from coffee or smoking, you will probably see a big change. If your teeth are not heavily stained, the change will not be as great.

How does tooth whitening work?
The active ingredient (hydrogen peroxide) is broken down, allowing oxygen to enter the enamel and dentin, causing the stains to be lightened.

What causes teeth to discolor?
There are many causes of tooth discoloration. Some of the most common include the consumption of highly colored foods (beetroot, candy etc) and drinks (coffee, sodas, red wine). Antibiotics consumed at an early age, natural aging, smoking and trauma can also add to discoloration.

Do all teeth whiten evenly?
There is an overall whitening of all teeth. The biting edges of the teeth are more likely to whiten faster than the areas adjacent to the gum.

Are there any side effects?
For the majority of patients there are none. However, some will experience temporary sensitivity (dull or sharp) on the teeth and/or gums. This will subside after several hours of stopping the treatment. The wear times can be shortened or made less frequent or a topical desensitizing toothpaste or gel can be used. Abstain from carbonated drinks, citrus foods and beverages to avoid sensitivity for a few hours after treatment.

Are there any long term effects?
The active ingredient in the process is hydrogen peroxide which breaks down to water and oxygen. Dentists have been using hydrogen peroxide for over 50 years to whiten teeth, and there have been no known long term adverse effects.

How long does the 'In Office Bleaching' procedure take?
The entire process takes about one hour.

What causes teeth to stain again after bleaching?
The same things that made them stain in the first place, ie general aging, red wine, smoking, tea, coffee, colored foods etc.

How often do you have to get your teeth whitened?
Once your teeth are whitened it usually lasts 1-3 years, however some people prefer to have touch-ups every 6-12 months.

Is it better to get whitening treatment now or wait until my teeth are more stained?
It is better to get it done now as the stains will become worse and darker. The teeth will then require more applications of bleach as stains will be harder to remove.

Are my teeth more easily stained now that they have been whitened?
No, the chance of staining your teeth are not increased once they have been whitened, if you follow the post treatment care instructions given by your dentist.

Will my crowns, veneers and fillings get whiter?
No, only your natural teeth will.

Is it safe to whiten my teeth if I am pregnant or lactating?
No studies have been done so we advise pregnant or lactating women not to undergo bleaching.